
These are my reading notes for Code Fellows

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Redux - Asynchronous Actions

It really depends on you or the project/team you’re working with. Granularity can be good, but too much of it can be superfluous.

More of a con. The Redux docs say there’s no specific rule for this, but if multiple reducers fire when that action is dispatched, it might be worth combining them.

“Introducing a new action type that is handled a different way.”


Document the following Vocabulary Terms:

A store holds the whole state tree of your application. The only way to change the state inside it is to dispatch an action on it.

A store is not a class. It’s just an object with a few methods on it. To create it, pass your root reducing function to createStore.


As your app grows more complex, you’ll want to split your reducing function into separate functions, each managing independent parts of the state.

The combineReducers helper function turns an object whose values are different reducing functions into a single reducing function you can pass to createStore.

The resulting reducer calls every child reducer, and gathers their results into a single state object. The state produced by combineReducers() namespaces the states of each reducer under their keys as passed to combineReducers()
