
These are my reading notes for Code Fellows

Project maintained by taegorov Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


React Native

Ducks is essentially a proposal for bundling reducers, action types, and actions all into the same file

Ducks seeks to solve the issue of the toggled back and forth repetitive nature of organizing by type. With Ducks, rather than splitting up all the related code, I can package it into redux modules.


Redux Toolkit makes it easier to write good Redux applications and speeds up development, by baking in our recommended best practices, providing good default behaviors, catching mistakes, and allowing you to write simpler code. Redux Toolkit is beneficial to all Redux users regardless of skill level or experience.


Document the following Vocabulary Terms:

A function that accepts an initial state, an object full of reducer functions, and a “slice name”, and automatically generates action creators (source)

Variables like ADD_NEW_NAME and REPLACE_USER in redux.