
These are my reading notes for Code Fellows

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Reading Notes Code 201: Day 7

Notes - Domain Modeling

Domain modeling is the process of creating a conceptual model in code for a specific problem

-Ryan Sobol, Sam Hamm, Keli Hansen


Determine the metrics whose variables you can easily change. In the reading’s example, the popularity of a sample video can be determined by a 1-10 rating, and a true/false value. To determine popularity, you just have need to factor in 2 measurable variables.

New term: instantiated.

to call a constructor of a Class which creates an an instance or object, of the type of that Class


new instantiates an object.

this variable initializes properties of an object – (is this still necessary?)

This article is a perfect summary of what we did in lab today!

Notes - Chapter 6: “Tables” (pp.126-145)

Create table wit <table>

<tr> indicates the start of each row

<td> represents the data in the cell

<th> = table heading – remember to add info to an empty cell otherwise formatting will be wonky

<td colspan="[number here]"> allows one cell to extend across multiple columns

<td rowspan="[number here]"> allows one cell to extend across multiple rows

<thead> contains table headings

<tbody> contains the body of the table

<tfoot> contains the footer

Note: <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot> are for really long/tall tables that will display the header and footer even if a user scrolls

Notes - Chapter 3: “Functions, Methods, and Objects” (pp.106-144)

Objects allow you to store many pieces of data within one function. Objects can have many things like names, descriptions, heights, locations, numbers, etc.

Create many objects like so:

function restaurant(name, tables, reserved) { = name;
this.tables = tables;
this.reserved = reserved;

Then add any new restaurants by doing this:

let timsRestaurant = new restaurant('Tim\'s Restaurant', 30, 10);
let marisasRestaurant = new restaurant(Marisa\'s Restaurant', 20, 18);

You can use the above information to dynamically update a web page to display the available tables at either Tim’s Restaurant or Marisa’s Restaurant. You’d just have the reserved subtracted from tables!

As we learned in Lab06, arrays are objects! They just hold many pieces of data that you can access with an index number (usually “i”).

Methods of Document Object Model:

document.write() - simply displays text

document.getElementById() - returns an element

document.querySelectorAll() - shows a list of elements that correspond with a CSS selector

` document.createElement` - creates an element

document.createTextNode - creates a text node

Really helpful ways of selecting particular elements of a string (just lower case letters/just character # 5, just the very last character, delete white space, etc.) on page 128-129 of Jon Duckett’s JavaScript & JQuery.

An object is considered a “complex data type.”

An integer = a whole number

Math.round() rounds to nearest integer

Math.ceil() rounds up to nearest integer

Math.floor() rounds down to nearest integer

Math.random() creates a random number