
These are my reading notes for Code Fellows

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Reading Notes Code 201: Day 8

Notes - HTML/CSS book, Ch. 15, “Layout” (again; repeat of Class 4 reading)

Re-read chapter. Notes found here.

New Notes:

Place elements next to each other (side by side) by using Float

Clear a float, tells it that no other element can touch its left or right sides

Mobile-friendliness is important! Adjusting font-size or image size by Pixel might not be the right call. Some computers have really high resolutions (4K is pretty common now!) and those fonts/images will end up tiny.

If you are using pixel size, make your pages ~960-1000px wide

Fixed Width vs Liquid Layout

Fixed is static and does not adjust if a user is increasing/decreasing the size of their window. Used pixels.

Liquid does change if a user adjusts the size of their browser window. Uses percentages.

Layout Grids

Useful for orienting items on your page. Not as restrictive as it sounds. This seems the easiest to wireframe since you can just pick how big you want your individual elements to be!