
These are my reading notes for Code Fellows

Project maintained by taegorov Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Table of Contents


Reading Day 1

Reading Day 2






Computer Architecture and Logic - Notes

Computers are everywhere

What Makes a Computer a Computer?

Computers take input, store info, process that info, then output the results

A computer is a tool. Tools have historically helped us with manual work, but computers help with the thinking work

Computers manipulate information

Binary & Data

Computers work with 1’s and 0’s, but no one has to interact with computers like that anymore

  • 1, True, Yes, On


  • 0, False, No, Off

This most basic information is called a bit

The number 9 in binary is: 1001

Numbers, text, images, and sound can all be represented by binary. Everything online is ultimately represented by 0’s and 1’s

Circuits and Logic

Many other circuits that perform simple calculations, combine to create way more complex circuits

CPU, Memory, Input, Output

CPU does processing (that might sound obvious already)

CPU asks Memory for help to do stuff, based on last time it did a task

Every letter press on a keyboard takes thousands of instructions

The more info that is input or output, the more processing power and memory a computer needs

Hardware and Software

Hardware = speakers, chips, etc

Software = apps, games, websites

CPU controls all other parts of the computer

CPU knows which circuit to use and when to use it

Code essentially allows us to talk to a computer in binary via the code